6 Ways to Make the Fashion Industry More Eco-Friendly

Fashion is a multi-billion dollar industry, one that is negatively impacting the environment in many ways. Many don’t make the connection between fashion and agriculture, but each relies heavily on the resources of the other. Many big brands have already taken note of this, both in terms of their impact and their customers’ opinions. Steps are being taken to change the industry, with environmental issues in mind.

Secondhand Fashion

Statistics show that 40$ of your wardrobe isn’t worn on a regular basis. This means many of your clothes could be sold or given away, providing secondhand stores a chance to thrive. Many high-end stores are looking for ways to facilitate this process by making themselves a sort of middle man, via lowering prices and implementing buyback programs.

Lowering Operational Costs

The fashion industry is doing a lot to lower its operational costs as well, thus lowering the costs of goods for consumers. This is done mostly by choosing materials that will cost the company less money. In many cases, this means moving away from cotton and using alternative materials, instead. There is also a move to use more natural dyes. This will affect both the environment as well as the overall design and style of clothes.

Inventory Control

Inventory control is another crucial step toward making the fashion industry more eco-friendly. Most companies have surplus of stock–far more goods than they sell on an annual basis. There are reasons for this: it’s important to never be in short supply, and production costs are often lower when goods are made in bulk. Controlling inventory will mean fashion businesses are able to waste less, throwing away less of their clothing. This is where local NGOs and community organizers could come into play, putting extra clothes to good use instead of simply throwing them away.

Working With Farmers

The relationship between fashion companies and farmers is crucial. The fashion industry has an obligation to help farmers shift their operations towards greener practices. For the most part, it is enough to simply purchase their products for use in materials, but there are other ways to get involved, as well.


Fashion is a global business, requiring production to be organized across multiple countries and continents in order to get the products you need. This means that the industry depends heavily on shipping, moving goods from one place to another. Naturally, this too has a negative affect on the environment. The industry is making changes to the way they ship products, focusing more on shipping that doesn’t use carbon-based fuel. Recyclable and biodegradable packaging are a key factor, as well.


In the end, the fashion industry has a large megaphone at their disposal. They must use their platforms to promote eco-friendly business practices. This can be done by funding marketing campaigns that will focus on the importance of sustainable, eco-friendly fashion.


Fashion and agriculture are closely connected, one using the other as a vital resource. Both, unfortunately, affect the environment in negative ways. Fashion companies are moving to change how their materials are acquired, as well as the agricultural practices behind material production.


Date:Oct 27, 2019

Category:Ethics, Sustainability

Tags:eco-friendly, sustainability

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