When raising cattle, choosing the best grass is essential for providing your animals with a balanced diet. Not all grasses are equally beneficial for raising beef or dairy cows, so it’s important to know which type of grass will provide the most nutrition and health benefits. Depending on the warm and cold seasons in your area, you will need to choose different types of forage grasses to ensure that your animals have access to the right type of nourishment throughout the year.

By utilizing these forage grasses, you can provide your animals with the nutrition they need to stay healthy and thrive. Ultimately, the best forage grasses are those that will meet your herd’s dietary needs. With a little research and guidance, you can make sure that your cattle get the nourishment they need!

Cool Season Grasses

Raising cattle in the United States has traditionally been done on pasture with cool season grasses. Cool-season grasses are popular among ranchers since they thrive in cooler temperatures during the winter months and remain green even when there is a lack of rainfall. Here are some of the best cool-season grass varieties for raising cattle:

Tall Fescue

This grass is a favorite among ranchers since it’s highly resilient and can be used for both grazing and hay production. It grows in dense clumps, providing excellent cover for cattle and an effective barrier against wind erosion.

Orchard Grass

This type of grass is well-known for its fast growth rates and high forage yields, making it an ideal choice for ranchers with larger herds. Additionally, it boasts high pest and disease resistance, which helps keep grazing areas healthy.

Smooth Bromegrass

This grass is a great choice for ranchers in areas with lower rainfall, as it can withstand long periods of drought better than other types of grass. It also produces a high forage quality that is nutritious enough to support cattle growth.

Perennial Ryegrass

Ryegrass is a great option for ranchers who need a dependable source of hay or silage. Also, it’s highly resistant to various diseases and pests, which helps keep grazing areas healthy.

Reed Canary Grass

Reed Canary is a cool-season grass suitable for moist soils, making it ideal for wet areas. It has excellent regrowth potential and stands up well under heavy grazing pressure from cattle. For facts on this type of grass, check this link out.

Kentucky Bluegrass

Kentucky bluegrass is a great and highly palatable forage for grazing livestock. It is also an excellent choice for dryer climates as it produces high yields of forage. It’s a cool-season perennial species, making it ideal for cold winters and hot summers. Kentucky Blue Grass is also tolerant to close grazing and responds well to fertilization and other management practices.

These cool season grasses are some of the best options available for ranchers raising cattle in the United States. They’re resilient, disease-resistant, and able to withstand a wide range of weather conditions. Choosing the right grass is essential for keeping your herd healthy and productive, so make sure you take the time to research which variety would be a good fit for your needs.

Warm Season Grasses

When it comes to raising cattle during higher temperatures, warm season grass is the way to go. Warm season grasses are tolerant of hot and dry conditions, which means you don’t have to spend as much time caring for your cattle. Here are some of the best warm season grasses for raising cattle in the United States.

Bermuda Grass

A popular warm season grass, Bermuda is one of the most widely used varieties in the US. It’s tolerant of both drought and humid conditions, making it a great choice for many areas. It can also be used as hay or silage for cattle.

Bahia grass

A great warm season grass for grazing animals, Bahia is a perennial that’s native to the US. It grows well in sandy soils and can tolerate heat and drought. While it can be slow to establish, Bahia is very persistent once established.

Oat Grass


Another warm season grass, oatgrass is a great option for pastures. It’s both nutritious and easy to grow, making it popular among ranchers. Oatgrass can also tolerate grazing by cows and horses and withstand hot temperatures.


Crabgrass is a warm-season grass that grows quickly and can handle heat better than most other grasses. Crabgrass also produces plenty of forage, making it a great option for raising cattle during the warm season. It can even tolerate heavy grazing and is good at crowding out weeds.

No matter which warm season grass you choose, it’s important to make sure that you have a good balance of grasses in your pasture to ensure optimal nutrition for your cattle. With the right mix of grasses, you can ensure that your herd is getting the best possible feed – no matter what kind of weather you’re dealing with. By using warm season grasses, you can make sure your herd stays healthy and happy. With the right care, your cattle will thrive in any condition!


When it comes to raising cattle, there are plenty of options out there when it comes to forage grasses. Each type of grass has unique qualities that make it suitable for a particular climate or region. With the right information and guidance, you can find the best forage grass for your cattle and ensure that they get the best nutrition possible!

Provide your cattle with the best forage grasses you can to ensure that they have access to the best nutrition and grazing opportunities throughout the year. This will help them stay healthy and productive.


Date:Feb 18, 2023



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