Organic Vs. Sustainable Farms

‘Organic’ and ‘sustainable’ are terms often used interchangeably, but they are not one in the same. It is important to be aware of their differences.

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The Qualities of an Effective Food System

The intricacies of a food system should be understood by all farmers, to achieve effective approaches to agriculture and related sustainable practices.

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Promoting Organically-Farmed Produce

Organically-farmed produce is widely beneficial for a variety of reasons. Overall, it is healthier, better for the environment, and a way for small farmers to remain profitable in the face of larger competitors.  However, it is also disruptive for the current industry and may result in higher costs for consumers. This is why marketing plays […]

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6 Ways the Meat Industry Affects the Environment

We must work to find more nuanced solutions to improve upon the industry, rather than try and put a stop to it. 

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Is Cow-Sharing Right For You?

Cow-sharing is an innovative way to get fresh produce and fresh meat from local farmers. The process benefits both farmers and consumers alike.

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Regeneration Movement in Agriculture

The regeneration movement is a response to farming’s effect on the environment, attempting to produce change without jeopardizing our current ways of life.

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Tips for Adding Animals to Your Crop Rotation

Adding livestock to your crop rotation is beneficial for both animals and plants. It allows your farm to become more efficient as well.

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How Sustainable Agriculture Has Affected Rivers in Cuba

Cuba’s sustainable approach to agriculture has yielded some great results, specifically in terms of water pollution.

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Can Regenerative Agriculture Be Profitable?

It’s often said that regenerative agriculture is important, due to its healing effect on the soil and the environment.

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What is Conservation Agriculture?

We are always looking for ways to feed the growing population, but one must also be mindful of the effect agriculture has on the environment.

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